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我创业能改变世界但风投对我理睬I can change the world when I start
2018-04-16 23:18:17


 海珠人网站:源自网络    2018-04-16 腾讯科技编译组 腾讯创业



来源 / 腾讯科技(ID:qqtech

硅谷创业者 Etosha Cave 有一个非常厉害的创业点子,它能改变世界。



今天我们分享的这篇文章,用 Etosha Cave 寻找融资的艰难历程,说明硅谷模式的弊端与不足。Enjoy



2014年,从斯坦福毕业后,Etosha Cave 和两个朋友共同走向创业。他们在实验室发现了一种新的技术方式,它可以将碳排放转化为更有用的产品。

这项技术绝对厉害,Etosha Cave 也相信它具有巨大的商业价值。



Etosha Cave 和她的团队尝试各种方法,希望利用硅谷的生态系统资源,提供资金,启动创业项目,但得到的回复都是:风险投资人希望看到实打实的产品。

My entrepreneurial ideas can change the world, but the VC is not ignoring me.

 Haizhuren website: from the network 2018-04-16 Tencent Technology Compilation Group Tencent Entrepreneurship

If you have an idea that can use mature technology to solve well-known problems, it is easier to get financing. But if you want to develop a new technology that is expected to truly change the world, it is difficult to get support from venture capital.

Text / Tencent Technology Compilation Group

Source / Tencent Technology (ID: qqtech)

Silicon Valley entrepreneur Etosha Cave has a very strong entrepreneurial idea that can change the world.

However, venture capitalists ignored her.

The ultimate willingness to fund this entrepreneur is not a non-profit organization, or a government fund.

Today, we share this article, using Etosha Cave to find the difficult course of financing, explaining the shortcomings and shortcomings of the "Silicon Valley model." Enjoy:

1 In Silicon Valley, no investors

Will pay for "changing the world"

In 2014, after graduating from Stanford, Etosha Cave and two friends went together to start a business. They found a new way of technology in the lab that converts carbon emissions into more useful products.

This technology is absolutely powerful, and Etosha Cave believes it has great commercial value.

They need $1 million to $2 million to start funding, so they turned to VC-listed VCs for help, but after a brief exchange, these VCs chose to give up.

Some investors bluntly said, "If you want to develop a smart phone application, you will definitely get attention, but the hard technology you have to do is basically unattended."

Etosha Cave and her team tried various methods, hoping to use Silicon Valley's ecosystem resources, provide funding, and start a startup project, but the response was: Venture capitalists want to see real products.

Etosha Cave 和她的团队只有几篇化学论文、一些科研数据,以及改变世界的想法。

一位专门投资硬科技的风险投资家 Errol Arkilic 说道


Cyclotron Road是一个与劳伦斯-伯克利国家实验室合作部署的高等技术孵化项目,其创始总监伊恩·古尔(Ilan Gur)也指出,工业化技术面临的销售环境更为复杂





迟迟找不到融资,Etosha Cave 很焦虑、失望,但她清楚自己一定会坚持下去。

2014年夏天,Etosha Cave 终于看到希望。

Etosha Cave 参加了汤姆凯特可持续能源中心( TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy)举办的一场清洁科技活动上。该中心主任布莱恩·巴索罗梅兹(Brian Bartholomeusz)告诉我,他正在努力让类似的技术走出实验室,在他的鼓励下,我申请了一笔拨款。

And Etosha Cave and her team have only a few chemistry papers, some research data, and ideas to change the world.

Errol Arkilic, a venture capitalist who specializes in hard technology, says

“If the main investment risk is financial risk, the risk investment model works well because the startup team will work hard to expand their business model. But if there are both technical and market risks, this model will not work well. A lot of unknowns need to be done differently."

Cyclotron Road, a high-tech incubator project deployed in collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and its founding director, Ian Gur, also pointed out that the sales environment for industrial technology is more complex:

“Compared with the consumer market, industrial technology needs to consider more factors before it can develop from a pure interest into a real market opportunity.

For more esoteric technologies, it is impossible to always innovate at the pace of venture capital – a rhythm that requires companies to scale quickly in a short period of time. ”

2 If there is another chance

I will spend more time writing funding applications.

Etosha Cave was very anxious and disappointed, but she knew she would stick to it.

In the summer of 2014, Etosha Cave finally saw hope.

Etosha Cave participated in a clean technology event at the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy. The director of the center, Brian Bartholomeusz, told me that he was trying to get similar technology out of the lab, and with his encouragement, I applied for a grant.

很快,Etosha Cave 和她的创业伙伴就获得了来自Cyclotron Road的拨款,随后又获得了Breakout Labs的进一步支持(这是一家由Thiel Foundation支持的非盈利基金),后来还获得了美国国家科学基金会的SBIR拨款。

获得这些非传统投资者的支持后,Etosha Cave  和她的创业伙伴才得以成立自己的公司,他们决定把它叫做 Opus 12



Etosha Cave 说:如果再来一次,我会少花些精力学习如何撰写商业计划,多花些时间学习如何撰写拨款申请。我们早期的融资来源不是非营利组织,就是政府资源。



早期的拨款以及 Cyclotron Road 提供的劳伦斯-伯克利的设施,让 Opus 12 得以开发出可以向投资者和客户展示的原型产品,但仍然需要找到一个可行的市场和商业模式。所以,Opus 12申请了 I-Corps 项目。

I-Corps 创立于2011年,它秉承着史蒂夫·布兰克(Steve Blank)的精益创业原则,其设立目的是帮助企业填平发现和商业化之间的鸿沟,也就是通常所谓的死亡谷

Soon, Etosha Cave and her startup partners received grants from Cyclotron Road, followed by further support from Breakout Labs (a non-profit fund backed by the Thiel Foundation) and later received the National Science Foundation. The SBIR grant will be.

With the support of these non-traditional investors, Etosha Cave and her entrepreneurial partners were able to set up their own company and they decided to call it Opus 12.

In a sense, they are very lucky. These institutions did not appear before 2009, and they were created in response to a deep pit of the entrepreneurial system.

If you have an idea that can use mature technology to solve well-known problems, it is easier to get financing. But if you want to develop a new technology that is expected to truly change the world, it is difficult to get support from venture capital.

Etosha Cave said: “If you come again, I will spend less time learning how to write a business plan and spend more time learning how to write a grant application. Our early sources of financing were not non-profit organizations, but government resources.”

3 after the grant, you still need to find

Feasible market and business model

Early grants and the Lawrence Berkeley facility at Cyclotron Road allowed Opus 12 to develop prototypes that could be shown to investors and customers, but still needed to find a viable market and business model. Therefore, Opus 12 applied for the I-Corps project.

Founded in 2011, I-Corps adheres to Steve Blank's Lean Startup Principles, which are designed to help companies bridge the gap between discovery and commercialization, which is commonly referred to as “the so-called “ Death Valley".

对于和 Etosha Cave 一样的科研创业者来说,这里相当于一种新兵训练营。


起初,Opus 12瞄准了他们所能找到的最大的市场:乙醇,一种汽油添加剂。由于2016年的销售额达到640亿美元,这似乎是个巨大的机会。



Opus 12 在特殊气体领域发现了商机,这些气体在很多工业化流程中都很有用,但分配的难度和成本却很高。由于Opus 12能够当场制作这些气体,所以可以大幅降低成本,提升可靠的供应。

如今,在创业4年之后,Opus 12 终于开始吸引传统投资者的关注。

他们有望在未来一年内获得第一份订单,然后扩大规模。我们的第一个产品大概跟洗碗机尺寸差不多,之后的尺寸会达到冰箱那么大,然后是集装箱,最后是一座工厂那么大 Etosha Cave 说道。


 Etosha Cave 的融资历程来看,风靡创投圈的硅谷模式并不是万能的。


1968年,在投资人亚瑟·洛克(Arthur Rock)的支持下,一群从仙童半导体离职的高管创办了一家新的公司


For the same scientific entrepreneurs as Etosha Cave, this is equivalent to a boot camp.

They stressed that “once contact with customers, all business plans will be ineffective”, which requires participants to “go out of the building” and communicate with dozens of potential customers to find sustainable business models.

At first, Opus 12 aimed at the biggest market they could find: ethanol, a gasoline additive. With 2016 sales reaching $64 billion, this seems like a huge opportunity.

Unfortunately, because the scale of the related companies is very large, small companies without background can not enter the market.

What a startup wants to make progress is not a large-scale market, but a use case that needs to be resolved.

Opus 12 has found opportunities in special gas fields that are useful in many industrial processes, but are difficult and costly to dispense. Since the Opus 12 is able to produce these gases on the spot, it can significantly reduce costs and increase reliable supply.

Today, four years after starting a business, Opus 12 has finally begun to attract the attention of traditional investors.

They are expected to get their first order in the next year and then scale up. “Our first product is about the size of a dishwasher, and the size will be as big as a refrigerator, then a container, and finally a factory,” says Etosha Cave.

4 What is the Silicon Valley model?

Judging from the financing history of Etosha Cave, the “Silicon Valley Model” of the popular venture capital circle is not a panacea.

There is a story about the origin of the "Silicon Valley Model."

In 1968, with the support of investor Arthur Rock, a group of executives who had resigned from Fairchild Semiconductor founded a new company.

It was later Intel.

正如安娜丽·萨克森尼(AnnaLee Saxenian)在她那篇关于湾区计算机行业崛起的文章《区域优势》(AnnaLee Saxenian)中所说,



而在湾区,则是由资金量不大的风险投资家负责投资创业公司,他们中的很多人之前都曾是工程师。斯坦福工程学院院长弗雷德里克·特曼(Frederick Terman)以及惠普等既有公司,









As AnnaLee Saxenian said in her article on the rise of the computer industry in the Bay Area, AnnaLee Saxenian,

The deal largely set the tone for Silicon Valley's business model.

At that time, the old companies in the east were still working with big banks to form new companies.

In the Bay Area, venture capitalists with little capital are responsible for investing in startups, many of whom were engineers before. Stanford Engineering School Dean Frederick Terman and existing companies such as HP,

A lot of resources are also being invested to broaden and strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

However, Saxony later said that the reason for this is the result of many forces working together.

Because of the lack of industry in Northern California, technology entrepreneurs tend to be more united. Similarly, there were not many large companies that could work with Stanford at the time, so they would look for entrepreneurs.

It is these characteristics that led to the distinctive Silicon Valley model at the time.

The success of this model in the early days made it self-sustaining. Engineers became entrepreneurs and became wealthy.

They then transformed into investors, supported new startups, and then attracted more engineers to the local community, many of whom also invested in entrepreneurship. By the 1980s, Silicon Valley had surpassed Boston's Highway 128 and became the center of technology in the United States.

5 Silicon Valley mode is not suitable for hard technology startups

In the past few decades, Silicon Valley has become a powerful engine for entrepreneurship in the technology industry. In the eyes of many people, it has even become a panacea.







很显然,这套生态系统的核心是那一系列帮助Opus 12成功起步的联邦政府项目和非盈利基金会组成的网络。








Corporate executives want to inject “Silicon Valley Genes” into their culture, and policymakers believe that VC-backed entrepreneurship can solve a variety of problems.

This idea is very dangerous. Although the Silicon Valley model is very attractive, it is developed for a specific set of technologies for a specific industry at a specific time.


While it can provide valuable references for other industries and issues, this model may not be universal.

Since most venture capital firms have investment horizons of five years, the Silicon Valley model is not suitable for hard technology startups. This company needs to verify not only the business model, but also the technology itself.

We need to design a new model based on a new ecosystem of investors, entrepreneurs and technicians.

Clearly, the core of the ecosystem is a network of federal government projects and non-profit foundations that helped Opus 12 get off the ground.

However, it is also clear that the hard technology ecosystem must also receive more support to truly replicate the success of IT and other industries.

State and local governments may help, and they have shown a willingness to use the manufacturing centers established during the Obama administration to support the development of local industries.

One facility in Detroit is managed by two such centers, one dedicated to the development of composite materials and the other dedicated to the production of lightweight metals, all aimed at supporting the automotive industry.

Another possibility is corporate ventures, which often have sufficient technical capabilities to assess the feasibility of hard technology investments.

These institutions can play a dual role in supporting research entrepreneurs and injecting new technologies into established companies.

In short, it must be understood that the Silicon Valley model does not apply to all technologies and all industries. No innovation strategy can be universally applied, so we should continue to expand our toolbox.


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